模拟人眼调节功能的可调节人工晶状体(AIOL)可为白内障患者术后提供远、中和近距离连续的清晰视觉.然而,临床工作和研究发现,部分术前评估良好的患者即使植入AIOL,其近视力仍不佳,或即使植入初期效果良好,但拟调节效果随植入时间的延长而逐渐减弱.因此,AIOL是否能够像设计者最初的设计理念那样发挥调节效果仍存争议.临床大多采用近视力、主客观调节幅度等指标来评价AIOL的临床疗效,但由于受到伪调节等因素的影响,它们并不能准确、全面地反映其重建人眼调节功能的实际效果.随着眼成像技术的不断发展,从形态学角度评价AIOL调节效果得以实现.本文就国内外临床上广泛应用的几种AIOL在眼内调节过程中的形态学参数改变特征进行综述,以帮助了解其实际临床疗效.“,”The accommodating intraocular lens (AIOL) is designed to simulate the accommodation of the crystalline lens and satisfy patients by its ability to focus on an object at any distance independent of spectacles.However,near vision in the short-term or long-term future of some patients with AIOLs is not good in clinical practice and there is still no consistent conclusion as to whether they can restore sufficient accommodation.Most clinical evaluations of AIOL performance have been based on visual function, such as the testing of near visual acuity and subjective measurements of accommodation,but these tests may not determine whether the lenses are actually working according to the principle of their design.With the rapid development of imaging technologies, the performance of AIOLs can be observed from the perspective of morphology.This article described the biometry of the anterior segments in the subjects with AIOL during accommodation in order to understand the actual clinical effects of AIOLs.