
来源 :中国医院管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bluesky8013
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从建立新型的医疗保障制度、保障职工的基本医疗需求、遏制医疗费用过快增长的势头、职工个人账户资金的积累、职工对新的医疗保障制度的满意度、深化医院内部改革、规范医疗行为等方面对镇江市职工医疗保障制度改革四年来的进展情况进行了回顾。分析了存在的问题,即超总控指标逐年攀升;医院学科建设缺乏带头人;各级医院功能定位不清;经费短缺,医疗设备的添置与更新缺乏经济支撑。指出,职工医疗保障制度改革势在必行,改革对医院提出了全新要求,必然促使医院管理水平提高,医院传统的粗放经营模式必须向集约化转轨。 From establishing a new type of medical security system, protecting basic medical needs of employees, curbing the momentum of excessively rapid growth of medical expenses, accumulating personal accounts of staff and workers, satisfaction of employees with new medical security systems, deepening hospital internal reform, and standardizing medical practices Some aspects reviewed the progress of the reform of the medical security system for employees in Zhenjiang City over the past four years. Analyze the existing problems, that is, the super-overall indicators have been rising year by year; there is no leader in hospital discipline construction; the functions of hospitals at all levels are unclear; funding is short, and the purchase and renewal of medical equipment lacks economic support. It is pointed out that the reform of the medical security system for workers and staff is imperative. The reform has set new requirements for hospitals and will inevitably lead to an increase in the level of hospital management. The hospital’s traditional mode of extensive management must shift to intensification.
摘 要:美术教学能够培养学生的表现力、思维力、想象力与审美能力。因此,美术教学中应围绕学生,塑造学生健全的人格。教师应充分认识学生存在的个体差异性,调动学生学习美术的积极性,进而提高学生的综合素质。本文主要研究美术教学中培养学生健全人格的意义,并提出美术教学塑造学生健全人格的策略,旨在推动学生健全人格的培养。  关键词:中学美术;健全人格;培养  美术课程作为一门重要的艺术教学课程,一方面需要向学
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五线谱传入我国比简谱早,据《律吕正义·续篇》总说里记述,葡萄牙耶稣会教士徐日升(ThomasPereira)于1673年来我国,在清宫里讲学,1678年被清廷任命为钦天监 Staves were in
从统计情况看,北京、深圳、厦门、宁波、南京、成都、西安、重庆等城市供求形势比较好,人才的供需数量都有较大幅 In terms of statistics, the demand and supply in Beij
1 前言通常气体混合物的分离、纯化和富集采用低温技术、吸收技术、吸附技术和催化技术。而现在还可使用膜分离系统。在过去的15年中已研制出分离气体混合物的膜分离方法,并