概述了为在强激光装置“神光 II”、“星光 II”上开展惯性约束聚变实验而建立的综合诊断系统的构成与指标。重点介绍了近期在X光、光学波段、聚变产物、诊断精密化等方面的进步,以及该诊断系统在黑腔靶物理、内爆动力学、不透明度研究中的应用。
The composition and index of a comprehensive diagnostic system established for inertial confinement fusion experiments on strong laser devices such as “SG” and “Star II” are summarized. The recent advances in X-ray, optical band, fusion products, and diagnostic precision are highlighted, and the application of the diagnostic system in black cavity target physics, implosion dynamics and opacity is highlighted.