As a preventive IMCM, MPAs are gradually becoming an important means for coastal States to cope with the pressures of marine ecosystems such as marine pollution, biodiversity loss, resource depletion and habitat loss. The development of marine protected areas has the dual purpose of ecological and social environment. Its social and economic value is the key factor that determines the success or failure of a marine protected area. It is also one of the key contents of the research on marine protected areas. Both the empirical results and the theoretical models prove the ecological value of MPAs, but economic values such as fishery and recreation still remain controversial. Through a comprehensive analysis of the existing research literature on marine protected areas, it is found that marine protected areas have long-term fishery and recreational value, but short-term fishery opportunity costs also exist. Due to the difficulty of the empirical analysis, most of the current marine economics research related to MPAs are based on the biological models of populations, including a variety of bioeconomics theories such as collective population model, space economics model, deterministic model and stochastic model Model, the results of most theoretical models prove the economic value of MPAs, but they have high variability and uncertainty.