“中国铁路提速工程成套技术与装备鉴定会议”元月 2 1日在北京召开。全国铁路提速工程是一项庞大的系统工程 ,其目标是采用成套的高新技术及装备 ,在保证安全前提下全面提高铁路客、货列车的旅行速度 ,并保持运输能力同步增长。但中国铁路的提速工程面临着特殊的艰难性、复杂
“China Railway Speed ?? complete sets of technology and equipment appraisal meeting” January 21 held in Beijing. The national railway speeding project is a huge systematic project. Its goal is to use complete sets of high technology and equipment to comprehensively improve the traveling speed of railway passenger and freight trains under the premise of ensuring safety while maintaining the simultaneous growth of transport capacity. However, the speed-raising project of China’s railways is facing special difficulties and complexities