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斗转星移,朝代更迭。带有时代特色的历史文物在岁月的流逝中已沉睡了太久太久,时间的风尘侵蚀了它们的模样,或已破损,或已毁坏……在以往,面目全非的文物是考古学者的一道技术难题,发掘文物而无法加以保护是一种变相的破坏。残缺的老物件或许被丢弃在仓库的某一个角落,一直在静静地昏睡着。如今,文物保护科学技术的突飞猛进犹如一缕春风拂过,唤醒了神州大地上沉睡已久的文物,让它们重现昔日的光芒,重新“活”了起来。 Fighting stars, dynasties change. Historical relics with the characteristics of the times have fallen asleep for too long and too long after the passage of time, the dust of time has eroded their appearance, or has been damaged or destroyed. In the past, unrecognizable artifacts were a technical problem for archaeologists The excavation of artifacts that can not be protected is a disguised destruction. Torn old objects may be discarded in a corner of the warehouse, has been quietly sleeping. Today, the science and technology of cultural relics advances by leaps and bounds like a ray of spring breeze, awakened on the land of Shenzhou has long been sleeping artifacts, let them reproduce the light of the past, re-live.
在八百里秦川上的无双镇,老一辈的唢呐师父焦三收下了天鸣和蓝玉两个小徒弟,悉心指导,希望能培养出一位真正的传人。然而,在时代变迁中,唢呐这一民间艺术无可奈何地走向衰败,唢呐班子四散飘零、无以为继……只有那唢呐声声,或欢快悠扬,或荡气回肠。  电影《百鸟朝凤》讲述的就是这样一个故事。被尊为“中国电影教父”的吴天明导演,在影片中用自己的镜头,再一次真诚地告诉人们:艺术的最高境界是“吹到骨头缝里”,是艺术