高中历史教学要从学生的实际学习情况出发,根据学生的学习能力、学习特点,设计教学内容,选择教学方法 ,教学要偏重体验,要鼓励学生真正参与到历史学习活动中来,体验历史,感悟历史,从中获得历史知识。本文以高中历史为例,对其体验式教学策略进行具体分析。
History teaching in senior high schools should proceed from the actual learning situation of students. According to students’ learning abilities, learning characteristics, designing teaching contents, choosing teaching methods, teaching should emphasize experience, encouraging students to truly participate in history learning activities, experiencing history, feeling History, from which historical knowledge. In this paper, the history of high school as an example, its experiential teaching strategy for a specific analysis.