How to Improve the English Learner’s Listening Drills

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  Abstract Listening has seen a basic element in language learning. Improving listening drill is important for English learners. The students should pay more attention on improving and taking various and effective measures to improve their ability.
  Key words listening; important drills
  Ⅰ. Introduction
  The essence of driving-through listening allows you to avoid the trap of misunderstanding. Today, listening skills are more important than the other skills in English learning field.
  Ⅱ. The importance of listening
  Listening is the basic form when people communicate with each other. Listening develops more and more important with China’s open and reform. If you want to be a graduate student, you should pass an English listening examination. Furthermore, English listening result in senior middle school and junior middle school, and the point of listening will grow from 20% to 25% in junior middle school ‘s examination. So as a teaching major we must promote and improve the quality of listening continually.
  Ⅲ. There are many problems in listening
  There is a listening exercise in every unit, the exercises are good for listening series drill, the high level of the teaching material asks teachers to prepare lessons more carefully and more comprehensive. But the reality is bad, some students are afraid of difficulty; they think the listening material is too hard and too fast for students. As I know, many English learners in middle school are weak in listening lessons and studding lesson, they often do it like this:
  1) Listen to the material with the book open, and copy the listening answers.
  2) Read the listening material and copy the answers.
  3) Copy the listening answer directly.
  It is obvious that the students do not like the practice; they do not make their knowledge structure and scheme actively. They do not think of existed questions fully.
  Ⅳ. Attentions for listening
  During the listening procedure, you must pay more attention to the following problems:
  1) Concentrate all your attention on the listening materials.
  2) Listen to the materials and take note on the important information.
  3) To grasp the theme of the topic and know more about the speaker’s position, standpoint, contention, etc.
  4) Discern the speaker’s contention and fact and the other evidence.
  5) Understand the meaning under sentences.
  6) Understand the main idea and ignor the difficult words.
  Ⅴ. How to improve listening ability.
  Students should know their spirit and listening ability, they ‘d better exchange with teacher to think of listening materials. The students’ language level and background knowledge can influence their listening skill. In fact, it is listening course that students think actively, reconstruct language materials. Students should concern about distinguishing pronunciation. Students can find out the obstruct in advance when they listen to the listening materials, they can calculate what kinds of problems and pay attentions to the problems. For example, in a listening material , there is a list of new words and phrases, proper nouns: personal name and place names. Help yourself to understand them before you listen to the listening materials, then the students can acquire a better understanding to the materials. Students often have a good understanding about their familiar topic, for their unfamiliar materials, they will grasp less information. So in the spare time, students should broaden their views and read a lot of books, journals or magazines, which is helpful for the students to improve their ability, more background knowledge will help students to
  judge, reason and guess the answers.
  Ⅵ. Conclusion
  If the students can drill your listening skill like above, students would get twice the result with half the efforts.、
  王蔷.《英语教学法教程》高等教育出版社 2000.07
课题研究应植根于教学实践,需对教学活动中出现的现象、问题进行研究、总结,最后得出规律并进而指导教学活动,而教学活动能够给教育课题研究提供最基本的素材、环境、数据并给予验证,二者相辅相成,互相促进。  一、促进学生学习态度和学习方式的转变,培养了学生自主学习的能力  第一,学生的学习兴趣和热情得到了有效地激发,学习态度改变了。众所周知,在博大精深的中华文化中,唐诗独树一帜,在字里行间里洋溢的诗风古韵
摘 要所谓索赔,是指遭受损害的一方在争议发生后,根据合  同或法律,向违约方提出赔偿要求。文章就索赔信函的写作步骤  及要求提出自己的看法。  关键词商务英语 信函写作 步骤 要求    AbstractClaim refers to the buyer who suffers damage requires the seller for compensation, who fails to ca
奥尔特加·塞加特,作为二十世纪最有影响的哲学家之一,在各个领域都有建树。他在《翻译的缺憾与伟大》一文中阐述了他的翻译观点。受德国浪漫主义思想的影响,特别是歌德和洪堡的思想,在加塞特看来,(1)翻译是一种乌托邦式的任务。 首先因为每个作家都有自己的写作风格,这会影响到一个作家对词语意义的选择。其次是不同语言的内部结构有所不同,即便是字典所给出的解释,也不全表达出源语言的意义;(2)所有翻译者完成的翻
一、网络资源与视觉空间智能的整合  视觉空间能力指感受、察觉、判断和表达色彩形状、线条结构、空间位置关系的能力。网络资源与视觉空间智能整合是指读者在网络环境中,借助于计算机﹑多媒体﹑网络等技术将数字化视觉信息转化为视觉学习客体,利用人机交互方式获取包括文本在内的多媒体信息,最终完成意义构建的一种超文本的视觉学习行为。丰富的网络学习内容为网络资源与视觉空间智能的整合提供了多种途径。  首先,运用形象
一、引言  考试是评定、检查教与学效果最常用的一种手段。科学合理的考试形式和内容,能够更好地激发学生学习的积极性,培养学生的创新能力,有利于学生个性的发展。近年来,在新课程实验中,过程性考核得到大力提倡,并受到了较为广泛的重视。所谓过程性考核,又被称为过程性评价,目前尚无权威的定义,过程性考核通常关注教学过程中学生知识以及能力获取的过程性结果,及时地对学生的学习质量水平做出判断,肯定成绩,找出问题
摘要 教师的情感行为既影响学生的日常行为,更影响学生的学习。尤其英语教师的情感行为对职业中学学生的学习影响更大。本文从自身的教学经验浅谈英语教师的情感行为对学生学习的重要性。以及怎样运用积极的情感行为去激励学生学习。  关键词 教学 教师情感行为 中职学生 学习    我们大家都知道教师的情感行为对学生的学习效果有直接的影响。教师对学生的爱、期望、鼓励可以激发学生的学习热情,增强学生的学习兴趣,从
摘要新课程的实施是我国基础教育战线上一场深刻的变革,新的理念、新的教材和新的评价,对广大教育工作者提出了更高、更新的要求。这就需要中学教师迅速走进新课程、理解新课程。做为新时期的中学体育教师如何发去扬传统教学的优势,尽快地适应课程改革的需要,本人结合自己的教学实践谈谈自己的拙见。   关键词新课标;初中体育;教学方法     一、新课标下初中体育教学的理念    1、树立“健康第一”的指导思想  