健全防控机制 打造廉政风险“防火墙”

来源 :福建质量技术监督 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rights_2005
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近年来,泉州市质监局针对工作任务涉及领域多,且易发多发腐败诱因的特点,坚持以廉政教育为根本,以规范权力为核心,以风险防控为重点,以制度建设为保障,以强化监督为手段,探索集教育、管理、监督于一体的廉政风险防控机制,进一步加强从源头上防治腐败工作,为质监事业的发展提供了有力保障。 In recent years, Quanzhou Bureau of Quality Supervision for the job tasks involving many fields, and prone to multiple causes of corruption characteristics, adhere to the basic principles of clean government, to regulate the power as the core, risk prevention and control as the key to the system for the protection, To strengthen supervision as a means to explore integrated anti-corruption risk prevention and control mechanisms that integrate education, management and supervision, and to further strengthen prevention and control of corruption from the source so as to provide a powerful guarantee for the development of quality supervision and supervision.
摘要:本文从词汇、句式和篇章三个层面分析中西思维方式差异对大学生英语写作的负面影响, 以使学生能够注意到两种思维模式的差异,从思维层面进行有效模仿, 从而提高英语写作能力。  关键词:思维方式 英语写作    一、序言  根据大学英语四、六级考试中心公布的数据, 大学生的写作考试平均成绩在全部的测试项目中平均得分率偏低. 的确, 大学英语写作是大学生学习英语的薄弱环节之一, 大学英语写作是学生英语