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徐特立(1877-1968),湖南长沙人,中国现代教育家。徐特立自幼家贫,8岁起在私塾读书,15岁辍学,曾制订《十年破产读书计划》,博览经、史、集、医药、五行八卦以及代数、几何、物理、化学等方面的书籍。18岁起任塾师10年,后到长沙县的梨农村创办梨江高小,1906年到长沙周南女校任教5年,深受学生的欢迎和尊敬,成为长沙城竞相争聘的名师。1911年,徐特立考察日本回来后,任周南学校校长,并办起湖南最早的教育刊物《周南教育》周刊,介绍日本及各地的小学教育。辛亥革命爆发后,他还创办了长沙师范学校、长沙县私立五美高级小学校。1919年,徐特立40余岁时赴法国勤工俭学,并考察欧洲教育。1925年起,徐特立一身兼任“稻田学校”、湖南省立第一师范学校、长沙县立师范学校三校校长,在湖南教育界获得崇高威望。在革命战争 Xu Teli (1877-1968), Changsha, Hunan, China’s modern educator. Since his childhood, Xu Teli has been studying in the private school since the age of 8 and dropped out of school at the age of 15. He has formulated the “10-year Bankruptcy Reading Plan”, expositions, history, collection, medicine, gossip and algebra, geometry, physics and chemistry Books. He started his tenure in 18 years at the age of 18 and went to Pear River in Pear Village in Changsha County. After teaching for 5 years in Changsha Zhounan Girls’ School in 1906, he was welcomed and respected by his students and became a famous teacher in Changsha City. In 1911, after inspecting Japan’s return to Japan, Xu Teli served as the principal of Zhounan School and started his weekly weekly Zhounan Education in Hunan, introducing the elementary education in Japan and other places. After the outbreak of the Revolution of 1911, he also founded the Changsha Normal School and the Changsha Private Womei High School. In 1919, when Xu Teli was 40 years old, he went to work-study program in France and inspected European education. Since 1925, Xu Teli served as one of the “Paddy Fields School”, the first provincial normal school in Hunan Province, the headmaster of the three schools of Changsha County Normal School, which gained high prestige in Hunan education. In the revolutionary war
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患者女,16岁,因转移性右下腹痛1天,加重4小时以急性阑尾炎入院。查体:T 38.7℃,P 86次/分,R 23次/分,BP13.0/8.0kPa,急性痛苦病容,面色稍苍白。右下腹麦氏点压痛、反跳痛、
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