Haidian Science Park:Economic Restructuring and Development Transforming

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  Haidian Science Park (HSP) was listed as a national independent innovation demonstration center last year. This is the key year of national economic restructuring and development transforming,our reporter interviewed Haidian District Deputy Director Yang Zhiqiang, as followed:
  Q: 2010 marks the end of Haidian’s most recent five-year development plan. Concerning economic restructuring, what will Haidian district officials and HSP developers focus on over the next five years?
  A: The economic restructuring of Haidian focuses on enhancing advantageous industries, fostering strategically emerging industries, strengthening the service industry, upgrading resource-reliant industries and eliminating disadvantageous industries.
  First, to enhance advantageous industries, Haidian will make full use of its strengths in technology, culture and education. It will encourage the development of IT services, advanced manufacturing and other leading industries.
  The goal is to improve the overall technical level of industry, to gain an edge in international competition and to achieve joint development on a higher level.
  Second, Haidian will set up environmentally friendly industries using new materials and new types of energy. It will also establish aerospace, bioengineering and pharmaceutical industries. Third, in order to obtain both economic and social benefits, our district will stress development of commercial, tourism, and other service industries. We wish to meet people’s needs, boost economic growth, and perfect the city’s service functions.
  We need to guarantee modest progress in resource-reliant industries. Under the principle of sustainable development, Haidian will see to it that adequate environmental protections are put in place.
  Thus, we favor moderate development of the real estate industry, modern agriculture and other resource-reliant industries, promoting an economical and environmental-friendly society.
  We will strive to meet global standards. Our district will seek cooperation with international societies in network building, policies, capital flow and media coverage in order to promote restructuring of emerging industries and ensure sustained innovative development.
  Q: As the nation’s first high-tech zone, HSP has experienced more than two decades of reform and innovation. How was development achieved during this period, and which industries have proved most advantageous?
  A: HSP attaches great importance to the positive impact of research and innovation on the development of industries.
  High-Tech industries like information services and cultural and creative industries have blossomed in the park.
  Meanwhile, industries concerning new materials, new energies, biomedicines and low resource consumption have had the most rapid development.
  HSP is the nation’s most important computer industry cluster and the biggest market for information products.
  The income of the integrated circuit industry in the park accounts for over half of the total around Beijing, Tianjin and the Bohai rim region.
  The income of cultural and creative industries also amounts to half of the total in Beijing. Software industry revenue accounts for 20 percent of the nation’s total.
  HSP is the most creative area in the nation. Its innovative achievements include the Shuguang 5000 Super Performance Computer and the SARS inactivated vaccine.
  Some technology developed by enterprises in the park has already been applied to a Shenzhou Spacecraft and Chang’s Lunar Orbiter. The Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai Expo have also benefited from the park.
  HSP enterprises have won numerous awards. The Xingguang Digital Multimedia Chip was the laurel winner of the National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology.
  In 2009, turnover of technical contracts in HSP accounted for over half of the city’s total.
  Q: Workers are central to successful industrial transformation. Can you tell us about youremployees?
  A: HSP has nearly 503,000 employees. Around 10 percent are managers of hi-tech enterprises, 47 percent are researchers and 19 percent are marketing personnel.
  Research and development workforces are central to hi-tech industries, accounting for 75 percent of all employees in the creative and integrated circuit industries.
  The team at HSP is young and vigorous, with an average age of 40 among managers, and 30 among researchers and marketers.
  Most workers have higher education. Around 17.5 percent hold a master’s degree or PhD, and 45 percent possess a bachelor’s degree.
  Therefore, HSP has become the nation’s strategic base for applied research, and represents China’s innovation capabilities.
  Apart from cultivating local intellectuals, we want to heighten search efforts for top personnel. We are continuing to build post-doctoral work stations to attract talent.
  Thanks to the cooperation of nearly 30 top universities and research institutions, HSP has established 37 work stations, hiring 110 post graduates with an average age of 32.
  Such talents have been members or leaders of 88 research projects at the provincial level, bringing in a fiscal revenue of 1.7 billion yuan.
  They are also active patent holders and authors of prestigious global journals. HSP post-doctoral work stations were named high-class research centers by the former Ministry of Personnel and National Administrative Committee of Post-Doctoral Researchers in 2005.
  Second, as an incubator of hi-tech enterprises, HSP will go on hiring talents. By the end of January 2010, the park had attracted 3,552 intellectuals who had once studied abroad, incubating 814 enterprises.
  With the help of a one-stop employment service, exchange of world talents is available at the park.
  We hope that international organizations like IEEE–CS, or the IEEE Computer Society —the word’s world’s leading membership organization for computing professionals — will set up office shere.
  Preferential policies and capital will also cater to the need of innovative talents at high levels all around the world.
  Our efforts have paid off. Many intellectuals working at HSP have obtained support from the Municipal Government of Beijing as well as the State government.
  ( Reproduced From China Daily)
欣悉中关村“庆祝中关村民营科技企业创业三十周年暨中关村发展战略研讨会”行将开幕,我谨向大会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!向出席大会的各位领导和各界朋友表示亲切的问候!  三十年风雨历程,三十年辉煌巨变。三十年前,在党中央、国务院的亲切关怀下,一批先行创业者开创了科技体制改革和民营经济发展的历史先河,开启了中关村发展的辉煌历程,为我国实施科教兴国战略、增强创新能力发挥了重要作用。三十年来,昔日的中关村书写了
张亚勤博士带领的微软中国研发团队所做的工作是令人惊奇的。——比尔·盖茨    “夫英雄者,胸怀大志,腹有良谋,有包藏宇宙之机,吞吐天地之志。”这是张亚勤博士贴在新浪微博中的“座右铭”。在人们的视野中,张亚勤是“神童”、“天才”、“精英”、“知识英雄”……可是当我们认真地拜读完他的心灵之作《变革中的思索》之后,恍然大悟,更加通透:张亚勤博士是“新经济、新科技、新文化”的思索者和践行者。  “你领会了
三十年来,中关村发生了天翻地覆的巨大变化,呈现了万马奔腾、群星璀灿的局面。如今的从业人员已形成近百万大军,星火燎原势不可挡,民营经济已经成为我国国民经济的主体之一。    辉煌三十年  刚刚过去的10月23日,是民营科技企业创业三十周年,也是中关村电子一条街创始三十周年的日子。这是中国改革开放史上的一个重要里程碑,是一个非常值得纪念的日子。  在世界新技术革命、我国改革开放的双重推动和1978年全
“维护公民权益才能激发社会活力”。我们再一次从党和政府的声音中,看到了反腐倡廉的希望。    “在和平建设时期,执政党的最大危险是腐败,而孳生腐败的根本原因是权力得不到有效监督和制约。这个问题解决不好,政权的性质就会改变,就会‘人亡政息’,这是我们面临的极为严峻的重大考验。”温家宝总理在国务院召开的“全国依法行政工作会议”上的讲话中如是说。其实,改革开放以来,党和国家对“反腐倡廉”始终未敢放松过。
1.陈波儿(1910-1951),建立了新中国第一所电影表演艺术研究所,为后来的北京电影学院打下了基础。  2.1951年,电影表演艺术研究所改名为中央人民政府文化部电影局电影学校。  3.1956年,国务院批准电影学校改制为北京电影学院,搬迁至小西天——新街口外大街25号。  4.1978年,“文革”后第一批本科生招生报名开始,各地热爱电影的青年人聚集到报名点踊跃报名。  5.1978年9月18
当京城的气温在不知不觉中变得秋意渐浓,北京电影学院也在这金色的十月迎来了她成立六十周年的校庆月。自1950年到今日,电影学院经历了一系列初创阶段的艰辛、建院后的发展、“文化大革命”所带来的沉寂萧条、同时也收获着社会发展建设新时期的成果与辉煌。走进北京电影学院位于海淀区西土城路4号的校园,其实任何一位经过身边的北电人都可以自豪地告诉你:这儿,是中国电影事业最为重要的主力场。  在中国本土,没有一所高
以成长的年代背景来区分当下中国导演的作品与风格,也许有失偏颇。但是他们身上却有着一个非常明显的集体标识——摄影专业也好,文学专业也罢,勿论是否专业导演科班出生,都同为北京电影学院的历届毕业校友。尽管导演风格各异,艺术各有专攻,但他们对母校都有着共同的美好记忆。在他们眼里,北京电影学院始终保持着对电影的一种尊敬,对电影的一种研究,对某种价值观的肯定。    宁浩:电影学院给了我继续走下去的信念  宁
有的人官化、虚化、俗化和物化是为了活着,还多少可以理解。但有的人活着就是为了官化、虚化、俗化和物化,就离开人的轨迹了。    出国回来后,常感到中国的知识层变了。出国前,中国的知识层充满了正义感,忧国忧民,奋力拼搏。回来后感到了变化,但说不清楚哪变了。  电视剧《手机》中将中国知识层的分化和内心做了生动和入木的刻画。沿着剧中的人物,我们可以看清中国知识层近二十多年的蜕变。  官化:以段大可为代表的
我们内心充满了无名的恐惧,因恐惧而生出对一切强者的敬畏,我们祈求它们的保护,并且希望这种保护的力量无所不在,天上、地下、水中。    龙是十二生肖中唯一不现实的。在印度、中国的汉族、蒙古族、傣族、黎族、川滇黔和桂西的彝族的纪历兽中,都有它矫健的身影。  其实,把龙作为兽也是不对的,从龙诞生那一刻起,它就是神。  中国考古界有“龙起辽西”的说法。上个世纪的70年代末、80年代初在辽西地区发现了500