根据省化肥试验网的要求,结合我区近几年来存在重氮肥,忽视磷肥,使土壤缺磷程度越来越严重,面积越来越大,磷肥比例严重失调等问题,我所1980~1983年在新乡地区东、中、西部的高、中、低肥力土壤上对氮磷钾不同用量和配合比例进行了26个点次试验、示范、推广。其结果如下: 一、在正常施用农家肥的基础上,小麦施钾肥没有显著增产效果,如亩施N、P_2O_5、K_2O各16斤的处理较亩施N、P_2O_5
According to the requirements of Shaanxi Province Fertilizer Experimental Network, combining with the problems of heavy nitrogen deficiency, phosphorus deficiency and phosphorus deficiency in recent years in our region, the degree of phosphorus deficiency is becoming more and more serious, In the east, middle and west of Xinxiang area of high, medium and low fertility of soil nitrogen and phosphorus and potassium content and the proportion of different combinations carried out 26 point test, demonstration and promotion. The results are as follows: First, on the basis of normal application of manure, the application of potassium fertilizer did not significantly increase the yield of wheat, such as N, P_2O_5, K_2O of 16 pounds of treatment than the mus Shi N, P_2O_5