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  摘 要:人类生活在一个充满符号的世界里。来自于不同国家的人们有其各自不同的习惯,这些都与其文化因素密不可分。这与索绪尔提出的能指与所指的任意性是一致的,所以,就某种程度而言,正是我们日常生活中的这些不同形式的符号体现了不同国家的文化和风俗习惯。
  Abstract:Our human beings are living in the world where is full of varies kinds of signs. People from different countries and areas have their own habits and customs which are culturally based. That is in line with the theory put forward by Saussure that the link unifying signifier and signified is arbitrary. So to some extent, these different kinds of signs reflect the cultures and conventions among different countries.
  Key words:sign;non-verbal sign;cultural differences
  Analysis of Cultural Differences from the Perspective of Signs
  The Purpose of the Study
  According to the research of the signs, the world is full of signs and everything around us can be seemed as different kinds of signs to our human beings. So it is significant for us to make a study of the different kinds of signs under different backgrounds.
  Ⅱ.The Definition and the Classification of the Sign
  According to Saussure, the signifier and the signified are the two components of the sign system. The link unifying signifier and signified is arbitrary. Saussure thought sign can be divided into two parts: verbal and non-verbal sign. While Peirce classified sign system from anther category: icon, index and symbol.
  Ⅲ. The Sign Connected with Our Body
  According to Saussure, sign can be divided into verbal sign and non-verbal sign, so we can take sign as a part of nonverbal communication. As we know, the sign is closely connected with our body, for example the appearance, posture, gesture and facial expression.
  Philosopher Thomas Fuller said, "By the husk you may judge from the nuts." It is thought that appearance which can be seen as a kind of sign reflects the characteristics of the people around world. In most cases, the Americans are intended to value the appearance of fall, slender women. While in Japan, diminutive females are considered the most attractive than the plump women. In China, many women often keep their hairstyles simple and make little attempt to draw attention to themselves through self-decoration such as colorful scarves, jewelry or makeup[1].
  Posture offers insight into a culture's deep structure, so it also can be seen as a sign to reflect the different cultures and backgrounds. The posture refers to the general way of holding the body when we are standing, sitting, lying, squatting, kneeling, running and walking etc.   1.The posture of standing
  The first representative of the posture of standing is that unlocking the button of the jacket and putting his hands crossed on the waist. This kind of posture shows that this type of person is perhaps fright of nothing because he completely shows his heart and throat to other people. The second posture of standing is that putting his thumbs into the belt. It is common in the American western film. This kind of posture shows the masculinity of men.
  2. The posture of walking
  The typical type of walking for Americans shows that they always have a great of confidence. There is a humor for the Russians that the walking posture of Americans indicates as if they are the owners of the lands. In contrast, most of the Chinese people walk in a modest way. It can be explained according to the cultural differences between these two countries. For people in western countries, they believe in individualistic and long for the freedom, however, Chinese people who are deeply affected the long ancient culture think harmonious relationship is significant.
  3. The posture of sitting
  We may divide the sitting posture into two kinds: one is a kind of serious sitting posture and the anther is casual one. The serious posture is often used in the formal situations. In these situations, men must sit with their upper body upright to show that they are confident and open-minded and women also should sit with upper body straight and knees close together. However, the casual one is the opposite. In Ghana and Turkey, if someone sits with their legs crossed, people there think it is extremely offensive. In Thailand, people think the bottom of the feet is lowest part of the body.
  Gesture as the nonverbal communication, it is a sign to represent the convention of the country and show the cultures it reflects. In the Unites States, when a person wants to signal a friend to come, he or she makes the gesture with one hand, palm up, fingers more or less together and moving towards his or her body. In contrast, Koreans express this same idea by cupping "the hand with the palm down and drawing the fingers towards the palm."
  D.Facial Expression
  As the poet T.S.Eliot said, "We put on a face to meet the faces we meet", facial expression as a sign of cultural norms play an important part in daily life. Same expression may be understood differently in different countries. For example, in Mediterranean cultures, people exaggerate signs of grief of sadness and they are easily to show their deeper emotions. In contrast, Japan people, especially for Japanese men, they often hide their expression whenever they feel happy or sorrow.
  Ⅵ. Conclusion
  According to the theory of Saussure, the relation between signifier and signified is arbitrary. The nonverbal communication, such as appearances, postures, gestures, facial expressions are the signs that have the connotations in one country while they may have other connotations in anther one. Thus it is significant for us to draw attention to these different kinds of signs which they represent to avoid the misunderstandings or even conflicts in the process of intercultural communications.
  [1]Samovar, Larry A.,Richard E. Porter,Lisa A Stefani.Communication between Cultures.Third Edition[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,2000.
  [2]Barbara Mueller.International Advertising Communicating across Culture[M].Dong Bei University of Finance And Economics Press,1998.
  作者简介:任波(1987-), 女,山西大同人,山西财经大学2010级外国语言学及应用语言学专业硕士研究生,从事英语教育研究。
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