被誉为亚洲“四小龙”之一的新加坡,无论从经济发展上、城市花园化上、政府官员的廉洁奉公和公民的文明礼貌程度上都堪称世界前茅,而上述成就主要应归功于治国有道、勤奋廉洁的前总理李光耀,难怪有口皆碑的公认:“没有李光耀就没有今天美丽的新加坡。” 李光耀不仅在事业上取得了举世公认的成就,先后获得伦敦荣誉市民和北京荣誉市民的称号,而且在家庭里树立了尊老爱幼的楷模,他生活俭朴,全家老少20多口和睦相处。
Singapore, honored as one of the “four little dragons” in Asia, ranks among the best in the world in economic development, urbanization, honesty and decency of government officials and citizens’ civility and courtship, and these achievements are mainly due to Lee Kuan Yew, a diligent and honest former Prime Minister, is no wonder that it is universally acknowledged that “there is no beautiful Singapore today without Lee Kuan Yew.” Lee Kuan Yew not only achieved universally recognized achievements in his career, but also won the honorary citizenship of London and the honorary citizen of Beijing in succession , But also in the family set an example of lifelong love of children, he lives frugal, the family more than 20 young and old live in harmony.