半侧投掷症,临床较少见,与丘脑底核(Luys 体)损害有关,多由脑血管病引起,本院收治1例,报道如下:患者,男,74岁。因右上下肢不自主运动6天入院,6天前清晨洗脸时突然出现右侧上下肢不自主的运动,无头痛、呕吐及肢体麻木,次日,测血压220/120mmHg,作腰穿、压力、常规、生化均正常。不自主运动在随意运动时加重,夜间睡眠后消失。外院按缺血性脑血管病治疗3天无效入我院。有高血压病史30年。查体:血压180/100mmHg,神清,语欠
Half throwing disease, clinical less common, and the damage of the subthalamic nucleus (Luys body), mostly caused by cerebrovascular disease, admitted to our hospital in 1 case, the report is as follows: The patient, male, 74 years old. Due to right upper limb involuntary movement 6 days admitted to hospital, 6 days before the morning wash suddenly appeared on the right upper limb involuntary movements, without headache, vomiting and limb numbness, the next day, blood pressure 220 / 120mmHg, for lumbar puncture, Conventional, biochemical are normal. Involuntary exercise aggravate at random movements, disappear after sleep at night. Outside the hospital treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease 3 days invalid into our hospital. Hypertensive history of 30 years. Physical examination: blood pressure 180 / 100mmHg, God clear, language owe