The interactions between DBT / DBTO2 and [BMIM] + [PF6] - / [BMIM] + [BF4] - were compared using density functional theory. [BMIM] + [PF6] - DBT, [BMIM] + [PF6] - DBTO2, [BMIM] + [BF4] -, [BMIM] + [BF4] ] - DBT, [BMIM] + [BF4] - DBTO2 NBO and AIM analyzes were performed. The results show that the imidazole rings in DBT and [BMIM] + [PF6] - / [BMIM] + [BF4] - are parallel to each other and NBO and AIM analyzes show that! -! Interaction occurs between them. The formation of F ... H hydrogen bonds between H1 ’and H9’ contributes to the formation of! -! Accumulation. DBTO2 tends to approach C2-H2 and methyl groups to form O ... H interaction; DBTO2 preferentially adsorbs on [BMIM] + [PF6] - / [BMIM] + [BF4] -. In simulated oil, the extraction ability of [BMIM] + [PF6] - and [BMIM] + [BF4] - ionic liquid to DBTO2 is greater than that of DBT because the DBTO2 may have larger polarity and O ... H and F ... H hydrogen bonding effect.