目的调查分析重庆地区急性心肌梗死(AMI)一般情况和临床治疗状况。方法回顾分析重庆市1 010例AMI住院病历,记录其一般情况、病史特征、诊断、治疗方式及药物使用情况。结果行经皮冠状动脉介入治疗(PCI)325例,占32.2%,直接PCI 91例,占9.0%,药物溶栓治疗122例,占12.1%;药物使用:肝素/低分子肝素86.6%,他汀类80.8%,硝酸酯类76.7%,阿司匹林90.1%,阿司匹林联用氯吡格雷74.7%,ACEI/ARB 74.2%,β受体阻滞剂55.1%;逐年比较,他汀类、阿司匹林、阿司匹林联用氯吡格雷及肝素/低分子肝素使用率有提高,ACEI/ARB和β受体阻滞剂的实际/适宜使用率呈增加趋势。结论重庆地区AMI早期再灌注治疗及药物治疗距《急性心肌梗死诊断和治疗指南》要求尚有差距。
Objective To investigate and analyze the general situation and clinical treatment of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in Chongqing. Methods A retrospective analysis of 1010 cases of AMI hospitalized in Chongqing was conducted. The general situation, history, diagnosis, treatment and drug use were recorded. Results Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) included 325 cases (32.2%), direct PCI (91%), and thrombolytic therapy (122.1%). Drugs were heparin / low molecular weight heparin 80.8%, nitrate esters 76.7%, aspirin 90.1%, aspirin with clopidogrel 74.7%, ACEI / ARB 74.2%, β-blockers 55.1%; year by year, statins, aspirin, aspirin combined with clopidogrel Gray and heparin / low molecular weight heparin use increased, the actual / appropriate use of ACEI / ARB and β-blockers showed an increasing trend. Conclusion Early AMI reperfusion therapy and drug therapy in Chongqing area are still far from the requirements of the Guideline for Diagnosis and Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction.