应用表面增强基质辅助激光解析离子化-飞行时间质谱(SELDI-TOF-MS)对175例肺癌病人和43例正常人血清进行了蛋白质谱检测.通过Biomarker Wizard~(TM)和Biomarker Patterns~(TM)软件分析显示11.6kD蛋白峰在肺癌病人血清中明显高于正常对照组,同时该蛋白峰的表达水平与肺癌病人的临床分期密切相关,随着病情的加重而逐渐升高.进而采用Tricine-SDS-PAGE结合质谱分析鉴定出芯片上11.6kD的蛋白峰为血清淀粉样蛋白A(serum amyloid Aprotein,SAA).使用抗SAA的特异性抗体通过免疫沉淀进一步证实了该蛋白峰为SAA.同时还采用了ELISA方法对上述部分血清样本中SAA表达水平进行了测定,结果显示其敏感性和特异性分别为84.1%和80%.与蛋白质芯片使用单一差异蛋白质SAA划分结果基本一致.上述实验结果表明,SAA能很好地划分肺癌病人和正常对照组,很可能成为肺癌诊断和病情检测的一个标志分子.
Serum was detected by SELDI-TOF-MS in 175 patients with lung cancer and 43 normal controls. Biomarker Wizard ™ and Biomarker Patterns ~ (TM) ) Software analysis showed that the 11.6kD protein peak in serum of lung cancer patients was significantly higher than that of the normal control group and the expression level of the protein peak was closely related to the clinical stage of lung cancer patients and gradually increased as the condition progressed.Then Tricine- The protein peak at 11.6kD on the chip was identified by SDS-PAGE and mass spectrometry as serum amyloid protein (SAA), which was further confirmed by immunoprecipitation using specific anti-SAA antibody. The results of ELISA showed that the sensitivity and specificity of SAA were 84.1% and 80%, respectively, which were basically the same as those of protein chip using single difference protein SAA. The above experimental results showed that , SAA can well distinguish between lung cancer patients and normal control group, which is likely to become a marker of lung cancer diagnosis and disease detection.