It is well known that the biological effects of various radiations (erythema of the skin, animal death, chromosomal aberrations, clonogenic capacity of cultured cells) decrease with dose rate reduction. One explanation for these effects is that there is a mechanism of repair in the biological system. Our studies with model lipid membranes (liposomes) have shown that polyunsaturated fatty acid damage (lipid peroxidation) is inversely proportional to the dose rate. This effect has been explained by the slowly developing chain reaction taking place on lipid bilayer membranes. As can be clearly concluded from the determination of the corresponding biological end point, it is now possible to apply the inverse ratio effect of dose rate to radiation as an indicator of membrane damage. This article considers the dose-rate effects of two endpoints of biology: loss of potassium and hemoglobin (Hb) in intact red blood cells, and rejection of moxifloran by lymphocytes. Erythrocytes isolated from bovine blood, receiving 0.05 to 30 Gy X-ray irradiation, the dose rate of 0.0013 to 10 Gy / min. Lean lymphocytes