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选择克里雅绿洲喀尔克乡西部的一块带状芦苇地为研究区,在研究区内布设28个样点,采集芦苇覆盖度、株高、冠幅长、冠幅宽和密度这5个生长指标,分0—10,10—30,30—50cm三层取土壤样品并测定各层的土壤含水量,在此基础上,利用描述性统计分析和地统计分析等方法研究芦苇分布区表层土壤含水量的空间变异特征。利用相关分析方法分析各层土壤含水量与芦苇生长指标之间的相互关系,为改善研究区脆弱生态系统提供理论依据。从描述性统计分析来看,芦苇分布区三层土壤含水量的变化幅度均较大,各层均表现为中等变异强度。随着土层深度的增加,土壤含水量逐渐增加,但其变异程度逐渐减小。土壤含水量垂直分布特征有4种:即底聚型、中聚型、表聚型、表聚型和底聚型混合等。底聚型土壤含水量剖面为研究区最主要的剖面类型,其次是中聚型土壤含水量剖面,再次是表聚型和底聚型混合的土壤含水量剖面,表聚型土壤含水量剖面的分布面积最小。土壤含水量与芦苇生长指标之间的相关分析表明,各层土壤含水量与芦苇生长呈正相关关系。其中各层土壤含水量对芦苇覆盖度、株高和密度的正面效应不太明显;对芦苇冠幅长和冠幅宽等生长指标的促进作用较明显。下层土壤含水量相对于上层土壤含水量而言,对芦苇生长起到更重要的促进作用。 In the study area, a strip of Phragmites australis was selected as the study area in the western part of Karkhe Township, Kalya Oasis. 28 samples were collected in the study area. Five reed coverage, plant height, crown width, crown width and density Growth index, 0-10, 10-30, 30-50cm soil samples taken three layers and measured soil moisture content of each layer, on this basis, the use of descriptive statistics and geostatistics analysis of reed distribution area Spatial Variability of Soil Water Content. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationship between soil moisture content and reed growth index in each layer and provide theoretical basis for improving the fragile ecosystem in the study area. From the descriptive statistical analysis, the variation of soil water content in the three layers of reed distribution area is large, and all the layers show the medium variation intensity. With the increase of soil depth, soil water content increased gradually, but the degree of variation gradually decreased. Vertical distribution of soil moisture content has four kinds: the end of the poly-type, the poly-type, surface-type, surface-type and the end of the end of poly-mixed. The bottom poly soil moisture profile is the most important profile type in the study area, followed by the mid-poly soil moisture content profile, again the surface and bottom poly mix soil moisture profiles, and the surface polygamous soil moisture content profiles Distribution area is the smallest. Correlation analysis between soil water content and reed growth index showed that there was a positive correlation between soil moisture content and reed growth. The positive effect of soil water content on reed coverage, plant height and density was not obvious, and the growth of reed crown length and crown width were more obvious. The lower soil moisture content plays a more important role in promoting the growth of reeds than the upper soil moisture content.
目的 探讨个性化护理干预对原发性高血压(PH)患者自我效能感及生存质量的影响。方法 随机抽取2015-06—2016-05我市万寿桥社区建档在册的PH患者134例,随机分成对照组和观察组各