克里斯蒂娜全名是克里斯蒂娜·奥古斯塔(Kristina Augusta)。她是瑞典历史上第一位世袭女王,冲龄即位,文武兼修。她的人生像跳动的火焰,闪烁着复杂的光辉。男性,女性?1626年12月8日,伴随着新生儿嘹亮的哭声,王宫里到处都有人向国王古斯塔夫二世祝贺小王子的诞生。在此之前,宫廷占星学家也曾告诉国王,王后此次将生育一位影响世界历史发展的王子。当整个宫廷为王子的出生欢欣鼓舞时,命运之神告诉大家,这是位公主。原来克
Cristina full name is Kristina Augusta (Kristina Augusta). She is the first hereditary queen in Swedish history. Her life is like a beating fire, shining with complex radiance. Male, female On December 8, 1626, along with the loud cry of a newborn, there were people everywhere in the palace who congratulated King Gustaf II on the birth of the little prince. Prior to this, the court astrologers also told the king that the Queen will have a prince who will affect the history of the world. When the entire court rejoice in the birth of the prince, the god of destiny tells you that this is a princess. The original gram