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米兰·昆德拉原是捷克作家,后住法国,实为捷裔法籍作家。他的小说《生命中不能承受之轻》、《为了告别的聚会》、《生活在别处》已在国内出版,引起读者兴趣。1986年以来,米兰·昆德拉连续几年被提名为诺贝尔文学奖候选人。外国文学评论家誉其为“二十世纪最优秀的小说家之一”。本篇译自米兰·昆德拉早期的小说集《可笑的爱情》英译本。作品里描写了生活中的荒谬性,这种荒谬性使一切玩笑或严肃的事物都失却意义。结局引人深思。 Milan Kundera was originally a Czech writer, later lived in France, in fact, is a Czech-French writer. His novels, “Unbearable Lightness in Life,” “Gathering Farewell,” and “Living elsewhere,” have been published in China, arousing readers’ interest. Milan Kundera has been nominated for the Nobel Prize for literature for several years in succession since 1986. Foreign literary critics praised it as “one of the best novelists of the twentieth century.” This article is translated from the Milan Milan Kundera early collection of “funny love” English translation. The absurdity of life is portrayed in the works, which makes any joke or serious thing meaningless. The outcome is thought-provoking.