Novel experimental techniques to assess the time-dependent deformations of geosynthetics under soil

来源 :岩石力学与岩土工程学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:oursoftware
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A new experimental approach to assess the impact of soil confinement on the long-term behavior of geosynthetics is presented in this paper. The experimental technique described herein includes a novel laboratory apparatus and the use of different types of tests that allow generation of experimental data suitable for evaluation of the time-dependent behavior of geosynthetics under soil confinement. The soil-geosynthetic interaction equipment involves a rigid box capable of accommodating a cubic soil mass under plane strain conditions. A geosynthetic specimen placed horizontally at the mid-height of the soil mass is subjected to sustained vertical pressures that, in turn, induce reinforcement axial loads applied from the soil to the geosynthetic. Unlike previously reported studies on geosynthetic behavior under soil confinement, the equipment was found to be particularly versatile. With minor setup modifications, not only interaction tests but also in-isolation geosynthetic stress relaxation tests and soil-only tests under a constant strain rate can be conducted using the same device. Also, the time histories of the reinforcement loads and corresponding strains are generated throughout the test. Results from typical tests conducted using sand and a polypropylene woven geotextile are presented to illustrate the proposed experimental approach. The testing procedure was found to provide adequate measurements during tests, including good repeatability of test results. The soil-geosynthetic interaction tests were found to lead to increasing geotextile strains with time and decreasing reinforcement tension with time. The test results highlighted the importance of measuring not only the time history of displacements but also that of reinforcement loads during testing. The approach of using different types of tests to analyze the soil-geosynthetic interaction behavior is an innovation that provides relevant insight into the impact of soil confine-ment on the time-dependent deformations of geosynthetics.
一、受社会环境不良风气影响而存在的师德问题  1.教育观念陈旧,不思进取  部分教师不能与时俱进更新知识,满足于现有的教育教学能力,用自以为已积累多年的教学经验去指导思维活跃、想法新奇的孩子。事实上,他们只是重复灌输了同样的知识,忽视了学生的可持续发展。有的教师在岗不出力,敷衍塞责,长期不换教案,不服务于学生的发展需求,以至影响了学生的发展。  2.缺少对学生家长的理解和尊重  尤为严重的是学生犯
坚持“以人为本”的理念,对和谐班级的构建进行了详细阐述。 Adhere to the “people-oriented” concept, the construction of a harmonious class were elaborated.