电子工业部电子元器件、仪器、设备专业科学技术委员会电子材料专业组于1988年6月3—5日在天津召开了扩大会议,就筹建中国电子材料行业协会的有关问题进行了讨论。 电子材料作为一个独立的门类已逐步跻于国民经济的主战场,各级领导对电子材料的研制与生产开始予以重视。电子材料行业协会将能在政府部门和企(事)业的联系中起到桥梁和纽带作用,将能促进企(事)业间的横向联系和经济技术交流与合作,也将有
Electronics Materials Department of Electronic Components, Instruments and Equipment of Ministry of Electronics Industry held an enlarged meeting in Tianjin from June 3 to June 5, 1988 to discuss issues related to the establishment of China Electronic Materials Industry Association. As an independent category of electronic materials, electronic materials have gradually become the main battlefield of the national economy. Leaders at all levels attach great importance to the research and production of electronic materials. The Electronic Materials Industry Association will be able to play a role as a bridge and link between government departments and enterprises (enterprises) and will promote horizontal ties and economic and technological exchanges and cooperation between enterprises and industries. There will also be