黑水城,位于内蒙古额济纳旗达来库布镇东南25公里荒漠中,蒙语称哈拉浩特(Khara—Khoto),额济纳(Etzina)是亦集乃(Ejene)蒙古语转音。黑水城是西夏“黑水镇燕军司”和元代“亦集乃路总管府”治所。1908—1909年,俄国探险家科兹洛夫(ПётрКузьмЙичКозлов;KozLov)在黑水城掘走了大量文献,现藏于俄罗斯科学院东方学文献研究所。1914年,英国人斯坦因(Marc Aurel Stein)搜掘到少批古文书和文物,现藏于英国国家图
Blackwater City, located in Inner Mongolia Ejinaqi Dalai Cubu town 25 kilometers southeast of the desert, called Khara-Khoto Mongolian, Ejina (Ejene) is Mongolian turn. Blackwater City is the Western Xia “Blackwater Yan Jun Division ” and the Yuan Dynasty “is also set is the road control ” rule. In 1908-1909, the Russian explorer Kozlov (ПётрКузьмЙич Козлов; KozLov) dug away a large number of documents in the city of Blackwater and is now hiding in the Institute of Oriental Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1914, British Britannica (Marc Aurel Stein) found a small number of ancient documents and artifacts, is hidden in the British National Figure