可调角度或搅拌器是重油罐防止罐底油污沉积的有效设备,具有防止堆积、清除堆积的特性。与固定角度搅拌器相比,防科效果显著,其电耗可减少三分之一。装搅拌器比装加热器的可减少一半以上的油泥堆积。 (1)工作原理 电机通过减速装置,带动伸入罐内的浆叶旋转,驱动介质,形成罐内循环流动,使介质达到性状均匀和小颗粒固体蜡不能沉降凝聚,随油发输而带走。 (2)结构 搅拌器由浆叶、密封装置、减速装置及电机组成:
Adjustable angle or agitator is heavy oil tank to prevent oil deposition on the tank bottom of the effective equipment to prevent the accumulation of accumulation of clean-up characteristics. Compared with the fixed angle mixer, anti-Ke significant effect, the power consumption can be reduced by one-third. Installed blender than the heater can be reduced by more than half of the sludge accumulation. (1) Working Principle The motor drives the media through the speed reducer to drive the media into the tank to circulate and circulate, so that the media can reach the uniform character and small particles of solid wax can not settle and condense, . (2) The structure of the mixer from the blades, seals, gear and motor components: