In order to understand the special clinical manifestations of proliferative glomerulonephritis in capillaries and to explore the application of renal biopsy in acute glomerulonephritis, retrospective analysis was used to evaluate the clinical and pathological features of 30 cases of capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis, Pathological statistical analysis. The results showed that the clinical manifestations of nephrotic syndrome in 8 cases, 8 cases of acute renal failure, IgA nephropathy in 6 cases, 6 cases of acute nephritis, occult nephritis in 2 cases. Pathology shows that kidney type, renal failure type lesions, respectively, have different degrees of crescent formation. Nephropathy in 5 cases showed immunofluorescence IgG, C3 deposition was “garland.” Tip capillary proliferative glomerulonephritis clinical manifestations of various, renal biopsy can confirm the diagnosis. Prednisolone treatment of acute nephritis (nephropathy) have a certain effect.