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隐藏的祸患犹如张开血盆大口的饿虎,时时觊觎着缺乏警惕的人们,当险情扑向黄平安的时候,这位27岁的小伙子——北京东旺矿业公司采矿厂汽车队修理工,竟一点儿没有察觉。1997年8月3日下午,黄平安按班长的指派前往停车场检修1号77吨运矿汽车变速器联档故障。坐落在山坡上的大型车停车场是3年前利用小车场址改建的。车场西北角上方有一条高6.85米的6kV高压线。为安全起见,当时车场负责人在高压线下摆了几块尺把高的石墩,石墩使停车场的端线显得有点内斜,虽然车场失去了方正,但几年来人行车往从没出过事故。77吨载重矿车是个庞然大物,整个车体高4米多,1米80的黄平安站过去还没汽车轮胎高。当班司机沈建清为了方便修理,把车开到离修理间最近的车场西北角。黄平安看了看发动机齿轮箱,为防止车斗自然回落,找了根细钢丝绳到车后想加固一根保险绳再去处理,到车后一看,有滩积水,穿布鞋的黄平安没法下脚。这1号车联档故障偏偏是只能前行不能后退。黄让沈建清将车往前开一点。沈按黄的手势将矿车前移了3米,黄平安将钢丝绳的一头挂住矿车后桥,举着钢丝绳的另一头,等待沈建清将翻斗升到最高点挂车尾门钩。就在矿车斗即将升到顶的时候,嘭的一声巨响,坐在驾驶室里的沈建清觉得头上闪过一个火球,车体一震。远处的人们循着声响和闪光看到,车后的黄平安身体打晃, Hidden scourge is like an open tiger hungry tiger, from time to time with a lack of vigilance of people, when the danger toward Huang Ping’an, the 27-year-old boy - Beijing Dongwang Mining Company car factory repair team, actually Not aware at all. On the afternoon of August 3, 1997, Huang Ping’an went to the parking lot to inspect the gear shift of No. 1 77-ton Moored Vehicle transmission on the assignment of the squad leader. The large car park on the hillside was rebuilt three years ago using a car site. Northwest corner of the yard there is a high 6.85 m 6kV high voltage line. For security reasons, when the head of the yard in the high-voltage line placed a few feet high stone pier, the parking lot of the end of the line appears to be a little inside slope, although the yard lost Founder, but in recent years people have never been to traffic accidents . 77 tons of heavy metal truck is a monster, the body of more than 4 meters high, 1 meter 80 Huang Ping Station in the past not high car tires. Duty driver Shen Jianqing in order to facilitate repair, the car opened to repair the nearest Northwest corner of the yard. Huang Ping’an looked at the engine gearbox, in order to prevent the natural decline of the car, looking for the root of thin wire rope to the car to reinforce a safety rope to go to the car after a look, there are beach water, wearing yellow shoes Huang Ping Can not get off This 1 car joint file failure is only forward can not back down. Huang let Shen Jianqing open the car a bit. Shen by the yellow gesture moved the car forward by 3 meters, Huang Pingan will be a rope hanging on the rear axle, holding the other end of the wire rope, waiting for Shen Jianqing will tip over to the top trailer hook. Just before the mine bucket rises to the top, a bang of loud noise, sitting in the cab of Shen Jianqing felt a fireball flashed overhead, the body started. People in the distance following the sound and flash to see the car behind the body of Huang Ping Huang,
摘要:随着新课程改革中“两个基础”“三大能力”“五个教学环节”教学要求的提出,培养学生数学思维能力已经成为初中数学的重要教学目标。基于此,本文从三个方面阐述了培养学生数学思维能力的途径。  关键词:初中教学思维 途径 培养  新课程改革明确了数学思维能力的主要内容,即数学运算能力、空间想象能力和逻辑推理能力。下面,笔者探讨了在初中数学教学过程中培养中学生数学思维能力的途径。  一、初中数学教学现状
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