全俄科学技术信息研究所(VINITI)采集部主任Basil Alexeyev于2003年1月16日向两个外委会(中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会对外联络委员会,中国科学技术期刊编辑学会外事工作委员会)提供了《文摘杂志》(AJ of VINITI)收录中国期刊名单及其ISSN(见http://www.lib.dlut.edu.cn)。笔者对这一名单进行了整理,并与2001年收录的中国期刊名单(同上网址)相比较,发现新增加了36种期刊(见表
Basil Alexeyev, Director of the Collecting Department of the All-Russia Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), delivered a letter of invitation to two foreign committees (Foreign Liaison Committee of China Institute of Natural Science Research, Foreign Affairs Committee of China Science and Technology Periodical Editing Society) on January 16, The AJ of VINITI is included in the list of Chinese journals and their ISSN (see http://www.lib.dlut.edu.cn). The author sorted out this list and compared with the list of Chinese journals included in 2001 (same as above), and found 36 new journals (see table