以 Annas 为首的工作小组,对儿童的脑死亡,提出了如下的体检判断标准:一、昏迷和窒息必须同时存在,患儿的意识、发音和意志活动完全丧失。二、脑干功能必须缺失,如:①瞳孔中度或完全散大,对光反应消失(已除外药物的影响);②无自主眼球运动以及由头眼和变温(前庭眼球)试验所诱
A working group headed by Annas proposed the following physical examination criteria for children’s brain death: First, coma and suffocation must exist simultaneously with complete loss of consciousness, pronunciation and volitional activity in children. Second, the brain stem function must be missing, such as: ① pupil moderate or completely scattered, the light response disappeared (the impact of drugs have been excluded); ② without eye movements and the first eye and variable temperature (vestibule eyeball) induced by the test