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  Temple Fair Brings Back Memory of River Culture
  By Wang Li, Yu Liang, Li Lingjing
  On June 28, 2018, an event titled “The Memory of the Qiantang River” was held in Hangzhou, capital city of Zhejiang Province in eastern China. In the form of a traditional temple fair that took place at City Terrace in Qianjiang CBD on the river, the three-day event presented a general view of cultural charms along the Qiantang River, the mother river of the province.
  The colorful aspects of the river culture presented at the temple fair included traditional crafts and arts, folk arts, and regional cuisines and regional opera plays. In particular, over 70 traditional arts and crafts from across the province were showcased, including the embroidery of Hangzhou, the paper-cutting of Jiaxing, the paper-fan painting of Shaoxing, porcelain products of Wuzhou Kiln of Jinhua, the bamboo weaving of Quzhou, celadon of Lishui, the gold and silver embroidery of Ningbo. Over 100 masters demonstrated their virtuosities at the temple fair.
  In addition to watching masters do their wonders, visitors got an opportunity to try their hands at doing artworks themselves. Wheat Straw Patchwork of Tongxiang looked quite inviting to visitors. And visitors tried cutting and gluing wheat straws into artistic images. In 2014, Wheat Straw Patchwork was inscribed on the 4th National Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Some visitors tried paper-cutting at the guidance of masters from Fuyang, now a district of Hangzhou. Some rare traditional crafts attracted special attentions: hair embroidery, chopsticks made of bamboo the same size of chopsticks.
  Regional snack foods appealed to visitors at the temple fair. Meat pies, sesame cakes, steamed cakes, candies, pickled ducks and a great variety of others made foodies line up to buy and buy and buy.
  For those who favored traditional theater, artists of time-honored regional operas from Xinchang, Jinhua and Songyang performed.
  The temple fair served as a bridge between people in Hangzhou and masters of traditional crafts and arts. It brought back the past to the present and paid homage to the traditional culture.
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