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安全检查是安全管理的经常性、常规性工作,既担负着查找隐患、发现不足,推动问题整改和工作落实的责任;也承担着发现典型、总结经验,促进相互学习和管理水平提高的任务,其重要意义不言而喻。然而,有少数基层单位在迎接安全检查时总是想把最美好、最优秀、最亮丽的方面展示给检查组,而对那些管理水平不高、基础工作不实、跑冒滴漏严重 Safety inspection is the regular and routine work of safety management. It not only takes the responsibility of finding hidden dangers, finding deficiencies, promoting the rectification and implementation of the work, but also undertaking the tasks of finding typical and summing-up experiences, promoting mutual learning and improving the management level, Its significance is self-evident. However, a few grass-roots units always want to show the best, best and brightest aspects to the inspection team when they meet the safety inspection. However, for those who do not have the proper management and basic work,
Diamond reinforced copper(Cu/diamond) composites were prepared by pressure infiltration for their application in thermal management where both high thermal cond
Oleylamine(G18) and octanol(G8) were grafted onto the surfaces of the multi-walled carbon nanotubes(CNTs).The grafted CNTs were dispersed into palmitic acid(PA)
A new type of Cu-La2O3 composite was fabricated by internal oxidation method using powder metallurgy.Sliding wear behavior of the Cu-La2O3 composite was studied
同学们生活中会接触很多人,特别是自己熟悉的人。他们有的勤劳,有的懒惰;有的处处为别人,有的时时为自己;有的铺张浪费,有的俭省节约……将身边不同的类型的 Students will
当前,网络文学在青少年中颇为流行,父母与子女对这一新生事物的看法和态度大不相同。如何引导孩子正确对待网络文学,相信读了本文,您会有所启发。 At present, cyber-litera
A novel method for preparation of polymer-based magnetic microspheres was proposed by utilizing melt reactive blending,which was based on selective location of
近日,公安部举办的第22届全国公安系统实战应用射击比赛顺利在武汉落下帷幕。与一般的系统内比赛不同,本次比赛的规模和参赛人数都是空前的,全国共有27支代表队参赛,参赛选手达三百余人。  赛场上到处都是荷枪实弹的选手,这种情况在国内相当罕见。笔者和同行聊天,不少人对本次比赛的设置颇有些不以为然。从比赛的场面来看,这个比赛远远不如武警特战分队每年一度的比武激烈,既没有设置攀越障碍或者突入室内的场景,也缺