罗力在《档案》1993年第1期上撰文指出,从近期和目前档案学研究成果所显示课题研究趋向上看,档案学一般课题的选择就大多数研究者个体而言,其选择方法和途径可以归纳为8种方法: 1.热点切入法。应用热点切入法进行研究课题选择,关键却在于了解和把握近期的学术研究热点。 2.交点插入法。应用交点插入法,关键要在学科之间的交接面上寻找到理论新生点和方法应用域。 3.实践升华法。采用实践升华法,关键在于观察和发现以及能够归纳的抽象。 4.争鸣介入法。应用争鸣介入法,关键在于寻找专题研究新的突破点和不完备点。 5.人物追踪法。采用人物追踪法,关键是对某一学术领域核心人物的研究以及对其研究选题的围绕把握。 6.刊物紧贴法。了解和把握档案专业核心期刊论
In his article “Archives”, No. 1, 1993, Luo Li pointed out that the choice of the general topics of archival science, as far as most researcher individuals are concerned, is very clear from the recent trend toward the research of archives studies. Ways can be summarized into eight methods: 1. Hot-point method. Application of hot research into the selection of research topics, the key lies in understanding and grasp of recent academic research hot spots. 2. Intersection insertion method. Application of intersection interpolation method, the key to the interface between disciplines to find the theory of new points and methods of application domain. 3. Practice sublimation law. Using practice sublimation method, the key lies in the observation and discovery and can be summarized in the abstract. 4. Contend the law. The key to the application of the method of contention and intervention is to find new breakthroughs and incomplete points in the special research. 5. People tracking law. The use of character tracking method, the key is to study a core area of academic field and its research topics around the grasp. 6 publications close to law. Understand and grasp the file professional core journal