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2011年的世界,看上去不是很美。随着世界性金融危机的蔓延,原本被掩盖着的各种矛盾,开始爆发。从巴黎郊区焚烧的汽车,到雅典市中心的街头斗殴,从马德里的万人游行,到伦敦的聚众骚乱……欧洲正经历着一场深刻的社会危机,这场危机的一个重要表象就是,欧洲青年从未像现在这样怒不可遏。在失业危机和贫困阴影的笼罩下,美国年轻人面临着找工作越来越困难的问题。一些年轻人为求生存,被迫改变了自己的人生计划,比如避免远距离迁徙、选择与父母一起居住、推迟婚姻和买房等等。这样的背景下,一场自发的“占领华尔街”活动席卷美国。这场危机之中的各种抗议,30岁以下的年轻人成为绝对的主力军,不同的地方,不同的肤色,不同的方式,表达的却是相同的诉求:未来在哪里? The world of 2011 does not look very beautiful. With the spread of the global financial crisis, various contradictions originally covered have started to erupt. From the cars burned on the outskirts of Paris, to street fights in central Athens, from the marching of thousands of people in Madrid, to the riots in London... Europe is experiencing a profound social crisis. An important manifestation of this crisis is Europe. The youth has never been so irritated as it is now. Under the shadow of the unemployment crisis and the shadow of poverty, young people in the United States are facing more and more difficulties in finding a job. In order to survive, some young people have been forced to change their own life plans, such as avoiding long-distance migration, choosing to live with their parents, postponing marriage and buying a house. Against this background, a spontaneous Occupy Wall Street campaign swept the United States. All kinds of protests in this crisis, young people under the age of 30 become the absolute main force, different places, different skin colors, different ways, but it is the same appeal expressed: where is the future?
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“我感谢哺育生命的土地 ,我更感谢土地养育出的生命 ,我最感谢的是真主 ,是他给了我具有两个半脑的完整头脑。”吉卜林———双面人 “I am grateful to the nurturing lan