为评价失重时心血管系统对运动负荷的反应能力,本文以心率为指标,研究在运动负荷反应过程中心率的变化,并用数学形式进行表述。 实验设计三种跑台负荷(亚最大、中、小),两种体能状态(20天模拟失重卧床前、后)和两组人员(6名青年体力工作者,5名中年脑力工作者)的跑台运动实验,以观察负荷量从小到大及卧床前、后心率动态曲线的变化过程,揭示各参数随体能状态和负荷量变化的规律。 采用最小二乘原理,用泰勒级数展开法解非线性方程组,得到跑台运动期和恢复期的心率反应曲线的最佳拟合表达式,并通过不同负荷量和不同体能状态确定了表达式中各参数的生理意义。选用五个独立参量评定运动负荷时心血管系统反应能力,它们在三种负荷、模拟失重卧床前、后及不同组别之间有明显差异。 本文为失重心血管系统选训、医监和研究其对运动负荷的反应能力等方面,提供科学依据。
To evaluate the ability of the cardiovascular system to respond to exercise load during weightlessness, this article uses heart rate as an index to study changes in heart rate during exercise load responses and to present them in mathematical form. Experimental design Three treadmill loads (submaximal, medium and small), two fitness states (20 days before and after simulated bed loss in bedridden) and two groups (6 young manual workers and 5 middle-aged mental workers) Treadmill exercise test to observe the load from small to large and bed before and after changes in the dynamic curve of the heart rate to reveal the parameters with the body state and load changes in the law. The Least Squares principle was used to solve the nonlinear equations by means of Taylor series expansion to get the best fitted expression of heart rate response curve during treadmill exercise and convalescence. The expressions of heart rate response curves were determined by different loadings and different physical states The physiological significance of each parameter in formula. Five independent variables were used to assess cardiovascular response during exercise load. They showed significant differences in three loadings, before and after simulated weight loss, and between groups. This article provides a scientific basis for weight training of cardiovascular system selection, medical supervision and research on its ability to respond to exercise load.