敬爱的吴玉章同志: 国立莫斯科历史档案学院全体教授、教师、研究生和学生由於获悉中国人民大学成立了历史档案系而感到莫大的欢欣。毫无疑义,这个系的成立将对於人民中国档案学诸问题的发展具有重大的意义。我们学院认为,尽一切力量去满足贵校历史档案系的要求是我们的职责,并表示我们有与中国人民大学建立友好合作和经常联系的决心。
Dear Wu Yuzhang Comrade: All the professors, teachers, postgraduates and students of the National Institute of Historical Archives of the State of Moscow feel greatly delighted at the establishment of the Department of History Archives at Renmin University of China. Undoubtedly, the establishment of this department will be of great significance to the development of the questions concerning people’s archive in China. Our college believes that it is our duty to make every effort to satisfy the requirements of your school’s Department of History Archives and that we have the determination to establish friendly cooperation and frequent contacts with Renmin University of China.