Antagonistic Potential against Pathogenic Microorganisms and Hydrogen Peroxide Production of Indigen

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Objective To investigate the indigenous lactobacilli from the vagina of pregnant women and to screen the isolates with antagonistic potential against pathogenic microorganisms.Methods The strains were isolated from pregnant women’s vagina and identified using the API50CH system.The ability of the isolates to produce hydrogen peroxide was analyzed semi-quantitatively using the TMB-HRP-MRS agar.The antagonistic effects of the isolates on pathogenic microorganisms were determined with a double layer agar plate.Results One hundred and three lactobacilli strains were isolated from 60 samples of vaginal secretion from healthy pregnant women.Among them,78 strains could produce hydrogen peroxide,in which 68%,80%,80%,and 88% had antagonistic effects against Candida albicans CMCC98001,Staphylococcus aureus CMCC26003,Escherichia coli CMCC44113,and Pseudomonas aeruginosa CMCC10110,respectively.Conclusion The recovery of hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli decreases with the increasing pregnant age and time.The most commonly isolated species from vagina of Chinese pregnant women are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus crispatus.Most of L.acidophilus and L.crispatus produce a high H2O2 level. Objective To investigate the indigenous lactobacilli from the vagina of pregnant women and to screen the isolates with antagonistic potential against pathogenic microorganisms. Methods The strains were isolated from pregnant women’s vagina and identified using the API50CH system. The ability of the isolates to produce hydrogen peroxide was analyzed semi-quantitatively using the TMB-HRP-MRS agar.The antagonistic effects of the isolates on pathogenic microorganisms were determined with a double layer agar plate. Results One hundred and three lactobacilli strains were isolated from 60 samples of vaginal secretion from healthy pregnant women .Among them, 78 strains could produce hydrogen peroxide, which 68%, 80%, 80%, and 88% had antagonistic effects against Candida albicans CMCC98001, Staphylococcus aureus CMCC26003, Escherichia coli CMCC44113, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa CMCC10110, respectively. Confluence recovery of hydrogen peroxide-producing lactobacilli decreases with the increasing pregnan t age and time.The most commonly isolated species from vagina of Chinese pregnant women are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus crispatus. Host of L. acidophilus and L. crispatus produce a high H2O2 level.
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形象,就是人和其它一切事物的外表样子,写作文的时候常常要写到事物的形象。为了获得和运用形象,可以进行以下三个方面的训练。  多感官记住形象。我们在日常生活中,会遇到许许多多的形象,应该有意识地把各种事物的形象记下来。为了记住和掌握更多的事物形象,可以对已经获得的事物形象,再进行一次或听、或看、或摸等加强事物形象记忆的活动。例如:有的可以请人说一遍,自己再认真看一看,摸一摸,还可以同时进行听、看、摸
冬爷爷才刚刚踏雪而去,春姑娘就迫不及待地来到了大地。她挥舞着细长的手臂,敲开了红花,抚醒了绿叶。家乡的龙泉山,也在春姑娘的召唤下穿上了绿装。  清晨,整个龙泉山都静悄悄的。龙泉湖边,草尖上的露珠还在酣睡;翠绿的杨柳哈着腰,梳理着长长的秀发;桃树枝上粉红的花苞还挂着透明的露水,仿佛是谁洒落的一串串珍珠。偶尔吹来的晨风轻拂着湖岸边的一簇簇芦苇,吹得它们微微地弯了腰;湖面上漾起了一层层细小如鱼鳞般的涟漪
路虎正在对越来越糟糕的生态世界发起一场艰苦的战斗,现在看来已经获得初步威果。确实,它采取了更高效的涡轮增压柴油动力、节油的启/停系统和轻量铝质车身向正确的方向前进了一小步。虽然对于拯救地球来说,真的还远远不够,但毕竟还是前进了。  如果一家汽车公司想要将电机技术应用在F1赛车上,这从来就不是一个真正的问题,但是对于量产车来说,当最新一代揽胜在最初始设计时就考虑到将混合动力系统融入在其中了,只能说这
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