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世界近现代城镇的成长历程显示,城镇的发展取决于城镇经济的发展。工业是现代城镇经济中的主导部门,工业的产业聚集和工业化水平的提高成为推动城镇化的主要动力。随着旅游、商贸、金融、交通、服务等第三产业的兴起,现代城镇化的过程不仅表现为第二产业的集聚,而且还同时表现为第三产业的集聚。中国是一个后发国家,其发展历程,特别是乡村城镇化的历程与西方发达国家不可能完全一致。如何探索具有中国特色的城镇化发展之路呢?山东省东营市广饶县大王镇的具体实践值得关注与研究。这片总面积122平方公里,耕地6869公顷,辖97个行政村,拥有9万人口的土地,是中国共产党最早的农村党支部诞生地之一,具有光荣的革命传统。改革开放以来,全镇干部群众紧跟党走,发扬“奋进、创新、顽强、诚信”的大王精神,创造性地贯彻落实党和国家各项农村政策,解放思想,干事创业,开创了一条以工业为主导,企业国际化、农业现代化、农村城镇化的发展道路。几十年来,持续发展的农村经济推动着大王镇不断进步,使之率先迈入小康社会发展阶段,成为全国闻名的强镇之一。其独具特色的乡村工业化、城镇化使昔日的传统农业、农村和农民正逐步迈向现代化的发展进程。 The growth of modern cities in the world shows that the development of cities depends on the economic development of cities and towns. Industry is the leading sector in the modern urban economy. The industrial agglomeration and the improvement of industrialization have become the major driving forces behind urbanization. With the rise of tertiary industries such as tourism, commerce and trade, finance, transportation and service, the process of modern urbanization not only shows the concentration of the secondary industry but also shows the concentration of the tertiary industry. As a latecomer country, China’s development history, especially the process of rural urbanization, can not be exactly the same as the western developed countries. How to explore the road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics? The specific practice of Dawang Town, Guangrao County, Dongying City, Shandong Province deserves our attention and research. The total area of ​​122 square kilometers, 6869 hectares of arable land, administer 97 administrative villages, with 90,000 people land, is the birthplace of the first rural Communist Party of China branch, with a glorious revolutionary tradition. Since the reform and opening up, the cadres and masses in the entire town have followed the party’s path and carried forward the great spirit of “Endeavoring, Innovation, Tenaciousness and Integrity” and creatively implemented various rural policies of the Party and the state, emancipated the mind, To industrial-led, enterprise internationalization, agricultural modernization, urbanization of rural development. For decades, the continuous development of the rural economy has promoted the continuous improvement of King’s Town, making it the first to enter the stage of development of a well-to-do society and becoming one of the most famous strongholds in the country. Its unique rural industrialization and urbanization have brought the traditional agriculture, rural areas and peasants in the past into the process of modernization.
问:伤残人员变更国籍后应如何处理?答:按2007年8月1日施行的《伤残抚恤管理办法》(民政部令第34号)规定 Q: What should be done if a disabled person changes his nationa
(2010年9月30日浙江省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十次会议通过 根据2011年11月25日浙江省第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第二十九次会议《关于修改〈浙江省专利保护条例〉等十四件地方性法规的决定》修正)    第一章 总 则  第一条 为了合理开发利用水运资源,加强航道管理,保障航道安全畅通,发挥航道在交通运输中的重要作用,根据有关法律、行政法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定本条例。  
主任、副主任、秘书长、各位委员:  省人大常委会本次会议对宁波市人大常委会报请批准的《宁波市职业教育校企合作促进条例》、《宁波市再生资源回收利用管理条例》两件法规批准文本草案,进行了分组审议。常委会组成人员认为,这两个法规批准文本草案符合法律、行政法规和本省地方性法规的规定,没有提出合法性方面的意见。12月18日下午,法制委员会举行会议,根据常委会组成人员的意见,对两个法规批准文本草案进行了审议
当前,市场上的加有补药的糖果、糕点、酒、饮料等所谓滋补食品,像鹿茸糖、人参糖、鹿茸酒、杜仲酒、当归饮料等,厂家在商标说明和广告上冠之以“青春美容”、“延年益寿”、“养颜回春”、“提神益智”、“抗癌”、“滋补”的美名,吸引了不少人慷慨解囊,竞相食用。  加药物的食品并不是适合每个人吃的,没病的健康人吃了不但无益,反而可能受害。  药品与食品不同,食品是各种供人食用或者饮用的成品和原料,有些食品对某些