报道了红掌叶片愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的研究结果 ,试验表明 :诱导愈伤组织频率最高的培养基是MS +BA 0 .5mg/L +2 ,4 D 0 .8mg/L ;较适于愈伤组织分化不定芽的基本培养基是N6 ,激素配比以BA 2 .5mg/L +2 ,4 D 0 .1mg/L和ZT 2 .5mg/L +2 ,4 D 0 .1mg/L为好 ;红掌试管苗生根较易 ;使用质量浓度为 0 .5mg/L的NAA ,2 ,4 D和IBA都能很好地诱导不定芽生根 ;富含有机质的疏松表土是理想的移栽基质 ,移栽成活率为 92 .3% .
The results of the study on the callus induction and plant regeneration of Anthurium andraeanum were reported. The results showed that the medium with the highest frequency of callus induction was MS + BA 0 .5 mg / L +2 and 4 D 0 .8 mg / L; The basic medium for callus differentiation of adventitious buds was N6, with hormone ratios of BA 2 .5 mg / L +2, 4 D 0 .1 mg / L and ZT 2 .5 mg / L +2, 4 D 0 .1 mg / L was the best. The root system of Anthurium rapae was easy to root. NAA, 2, 4 D and IBA with mass concentration of 0.5 mg / L could well induce adventitious buds rooting. Planting matrix, transplanting survival rate of 92.3%.