Worldwide Easter celebrations

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  Bulgaria - In Bulgaria, people don’t hide their eggs - they have egg fights! Whoever comes out of the game with an unbroken egg is the winner and considered to be the most successful member of the family in the coming year. In another tradition, the oldest woman in the family rubs the faces of the children with the first red egg she has colored, meaning her wish that they have rosy cheeks, health and strength.
  Mexico - Easter and related holidays are colorful and lively in Mexico, where children actually throw eggs over each other’s heads in the week before Lent begins! Fortunately, these eggs are filled with small pieces of paper rather than real eggs.
  Germany - In Germany, eggs are dyed green on Maundy Thursday.
  Greece - On Easter Sunday in Greece, there is a public procession. Red eggs (red for the blood of Christ) are tapped together while one person declares “Christ is risen” and the other replies “Truly He is risen.”
  United States - Parades are traditional in some U.S. cities. Atlantic City’s 140-year-old parade is the oldest, and the walking path on New York’s Fifth Avenue, immortalized in Irving Berlin’s song, “Easter Parade,” is perhaps the best known. The annual White House Easter Egg Roll takes place in the nation’s capitol city on Easter Monday.
  England - In England, in Hallaton (in the County of Leicestershire), every Easter Monday, there is the Hare Pie Scramble and Bottle Kicking. The story goes that a woman was saved by a rabbit running across the path of a bull on Easter Monday hundreds of years ago. As an expression of her appreciation, she left a piece of land to the priest. The only condition to this will was that the priest has to send a rabbit pie and a large quantity of beer to the people who go to church regularly every year.
  rub v. 搓揉
  parade n. 慶典游行
  immortalize v. 使不朽
  (What do you know about Easter Day?)
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