企业职工教育机构,指企业内部开展职工教育的组织,它包括企业职工教育的领导体制、组织体系和专门管理实施机构等。设置科学的职工教育机构,是企业职工教育有效开展的组织保证和必要条件。 一、企业职工教育机构设计的原则 各个企业的情况千差万别,不可能规定一个统一的职工教育机构模式。每个企业必须从自己的实际情况出发,注意遵循如下原则来设置职工教育的组织机构: 1.有利于为企业生产发展和经营管理、技术进
Enterprise workers’ educational institutions refer to organizations that carry out employee education within an enterprise. They include the leadership system, organizational system and specialized management and implementing agencies of enterprise staff education. The establishment of a scientific staff education institution is an organizational guarantee and necessary condition for the effective implementation of staff education in enterprises. First, the principle of design of enterprise staff education institutions The situation of various enterprises vary widely, it is impossible to provide a unified mode of staff education institutions. Each enterprise must proceed from its actual situation and pay attention to following the principle of setting up the staff education organization: 1. It is conducive to the production and development of enterprises and management, technology into