描绘职教画卷 彰显职教梦想——学生记者团工作回顾

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为进一步向社会各界做好2017年职业教育活动周暨第十届全国职业院校技能大赛期间的宣传和报道工作,使全社会都了解职业教育、支持职业教育、发展职业教育,同时,全面展示天津作为国家现代职业教育改革创新示范区的建设成果。今年,在天津市教育委员会和《中国职业技术教育》杂志社的精心部署下,由天津市教育委员会职业技术教育中心牵头,面向全市各中高职院校征召学生记者,成立了一支由130人组成的“中国职业技术教育学生记者团”。记者团连续对大赛以及活动周同期活动进行了为期一周 In order to further promote the publicity and coverage of the 2017 Vocational Education Week and the 10th National Vocational College Skills Competition to all walks of life, make the whole society understand vocational education, support vocational education and develop vocational education, meanwhile, fully display Tianjin as a National Modern Vocational Education Reform Demonstration Zone Construction Achievements. This year, under the careful deployment of the Tianjin Municipal Education Commission and China Vocational and Technical Education magazine, the Vocational Education Center of Tianjin Municipality will take the lead in recruiting student reporters from all vocational and technical vocational colleges in the city and set up a group of 130 People composed of “China Vocational and Technical Education Student Press Delegation”. The press corps conducted a series of one-week activities for the competition and activities week in a row
摘 要:本文对一起SUV车型的扭杆弹簧调整臂总成引起异响进行了分析,通过分析扭杆弹簧调整臂总成的摩擦系数的变化,发现摩擦系数变小,会导致整车在制动过程中的异响。  关键词:扭杆;异响;摩擦系数;表面处理  扭杆弹簧是一种利用扭杆的扭转变形的弹性元件,扭杆弹簧单位体积的变形能较大,其值要显著大于常见的钢板弹簧,同时具有较高的疲劳寿命,因其结构简单、紧凑,易于在汽车上布置,常用于轻型汽车和越野汽车的悬