
来源 :企业改革与管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gksd2009
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随着经济的发展,公司企业也在不断的发展与壮大之中,无论在企业结构与公司规模上都在不断的完善。企业政工与人力资源管理工作在企业的发展中变得必不可少十分重要,而二者的有机结合更是会促进企业更好更快的发展壮大。但就目前来看,企业政工与人力资源管理工作由于诸多问题与难点不能做到很好的结合,这就会影响企业的效益,进而不利于我国经济的发展。本文分析了企业政工与人力资源管理工作之间的相互关系以及企业政工与人力资源管理工作中的难点问题进而提出相应的对策探讨。 With economic development, companies are also constantly developing and expanding, both in business structure and company size are constantly improving. Enterprise political and human resources management work in the development of enterprises has become essential, and the organic combination of the two is to promote better and faster business growth and development. However, for the moment, the work of political and human resources management in enterprises can not be well integrated because of many problems and difficulties, which will affect the efficiency of enterprises and thus adversely affect the economic development of our country. This article analyzes the relationship between enterprise politics and human resources management and the difficulties in the management of enterprise politics and human resources and then puts forward corresponding measures.
【正】 天津市文化局、总工会、团市委联合举办的第十二届职工文艺会演自二月九日到二十一日共演出了十四场。节目的形式多样、题材广泛。其中音乐节目有七十多项。