An updated linear computer model for meandering rivers with incision has been developed.The model simulates the bed topography,flow field,and bank erosion rate in an incised meandering channel.In a scenario where the upstream sediment load decreases(e.g.,after dam closure or soil conservation),alluvial river experiences cross section deepening and slope flattening.The channel migration rate might be affected in two ways:decreased channel slope and steeped bank height.The proposed numerical model combines the traditional one-dimensional(1D) sediment transport model in simulating the channel erosion and the linear model for channel meandering.A non-equilibrium sediment transport model is used to update the channel bed elevation and gradations.A linear meandering model was used to calculate the channel alignment and bank erosion/accretion,which in turn was used by the 1D sediment transport model.In the 1D sediment transport model,the channel bed elevation and gradations are representedin each channel cross section.In the meandering model,the bed elevation and gradations are stored in two dimensional(2D) cells to represent the channel and terrain properties(elevation and gradation).A new method is proposed to exchange information regarding bed elevations and bed material fractions between 1D river geometry and 2D channel and terrain.The ability of the model is demonstrated using the simulation of the laboratory channel migration of Friedkin in which channel incision occurs at the upstream end.
An updated linear computer model for meandering rivers with incision has been developed. The model simulates the bed topography, flow field, and bank erosion rate in an incised meandering channel. In a scenario where the upstream sediment load decreases (eg, after dam closure or soil conservation), alluvial river experiences cross section deepening and slope leveling of the channel migration rate might be affected in both ways: decreased channel slope and steeped bank height. proposed numerical model combines the traditional one-dimensional (1D) sediment transport model in simulating the channel erosion and the linear model for channel meandering. A non-equilibrium sediment transport model is used to update the channel bed elevation and gradations. A linear meandering model was used to calculate the channel alignment and bank erosion / accretion, which in turn was used by the 1D sediment transport model. the 1D sediment transport model, the channel bed elevation and gradations are representedin each channel cross section. In the meandering model, the bed elevation and gradations are stored in two dimensional (2D) cells to represent the channel and terrain properties (elevation and gradation). A new method is proposed to exchange information regarding bed elevations and bed material fractions between 1D river geometry and 2D channel and terrain. the ability of the model is demonstrated using the simulation of the laboratory channel migration of Friedkin in which channel incision occurs at the upstream end.