华商大餐是扬州市为接待第六届世界华商大会 180 0名来扬代表而精心制作的盛大午宴 ,又称淮扬秋瑞宴。根据其菜单和相应的操作要求 ,结合淮扬菜的其它品种 ,可以看出 ,淮扬菜在宴席类型与命名、菜点品种与用料、菜点色彩与成形、菜点烹法与口味、菜点质感与上菜程序等方面颇有地方特色 ,充分显示了淮扬饮食文化的丰厚底蕴和诱人魅力
Chinese lunch is a grand luncheon in Yangzhou City, hosted by 180 0 delegates to Yang at the 6th World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention, also known as Huaiyin Qiurui Banquet. According to its menu and the corresponding operation requirements, combined with other varieties of Huaiyang, we can see Huaiyang in the feast type and naming, vegetable varieties and materials, vegetable color and shape, cooking and taste of vegetables, dishes and texture Serving procedures and other aspects of quite local characteristics, fully demonstrated Huaiyang rich cultural heritage and attractive charm