美国著名电子杂志《Audio Video Revolution》“AV革命”杂志每年都会评选出市场上高价值和高性能100件顶尖AV产品。最新的2005年榜单增加了许多新型号等离子、液晶、投影机和其他视频产品。全面考虑整体性能、价值、设计、独特性及稳定性作为排名的基础。在数十亿美圆的消费电子市场的激烈竞争中,凭借本身的质量入选的任何一件AV产品都是出色的,不论名次先后都是最值得赞扬的。榜单反映了当今影音产品的设计理念及流行趋势,国内业界和发烧友应该给予关注。
Audio Video Revolution, the famous American e-magazine, has been selected by AV Revolution magazine every year to bring out the top 100 high-value and high-performance AV products on the market. The latest 2005 list adds many new models of plasma, LCD, projectors and other video products. Fully consider the overall performance, value, design, uniqueness and stability as a basis for ranking. In the fierce competition in the multi-billion dollar consumer electronics market, any one of the AV products selected by its own quality is excellent, no matter the ranking is the most commendable. The list reflects the design concept and trend of today’s audio-visual products, the domestic industry and enthusiasts should pay attention.