With the gradual increase in the tuition fees of local colleges and universities, employment pressure is getting larger and larger, making the already attractive military academies more choices. Statistics show that in 2002, more than 60 military academies recruit ordinary secondary high school graduates, involving more than 300 specialties. National Defense University of Science and Technology, First Military Medical University, PLA Information Engineering University and other military colleges are high scores gathered. In 2002 the PLA Information Engineering University, the highest professional admission command to 622 points, the highest score of non-command professional admission to 647 points; National University of Defense Technology, the highest score of 680 points, after physical examination, interview, the final admission of the highest score reached 660 Minute. It is believed that the military academy will further expand enrollment this year. Faced with numerous military and professional schools, many candidates feel happy and worried. To this end, based on our many years of experience in recruiting students, we have organized manpower to compose a questionnaire for military academies (18 questions) and several cadets in the light of many years of experience in recruiting students. We hope this will help candidates correctly choose their cadets and majors.