【摘 要】
71.他们(新学派科学家们)说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。 72.新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:“简而言之,我们
71.他们(新学派科学家们)说,科学的发展与其说源于天才伟人的真知灼识,不如说源于改进了的技术和工具等等更为普通的东西。 72.新学派的一位领袖人物坚持说:“简而言之,我们所称谓的科学革命,主要是指一系列器具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用使科学发展的范围无所不及。”
71. They (New School Scientists) said that the development of science is not so much a result of the knowledge and knowledge of great talents as it stemmed from improved technology and tools, and more common things. 72. A leader of the new school insisted: “In short, what we call the scientific revolution mainly refers to the improvement, invention, and use of a series of instruments. These improvements, inventions, and uses make the scope of scientific development free. It didn’t work."
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