The non-viscous flow around the airfoil is compared with three differential schemes by using the transonic small perturbation potential equation and the improved small perturbation potential equation: (1) Murman-Cole non-conservative; (2) conservative; (3) Engquist-Osher style. Under the same initial conditions, their computational stability, convergence and convergence are basically the same, but the shock location (1) is before (2) after and (3) is in the middle. The effect of artificial time damping term εφ_ (xt) is linearized and the results are in good agreement with the numerical results. The calculation of the second-level precision format shows that using this scheme can greatly improve the precision of differential calculation under the premise of almost no increase of the computer. Finally, the boundary layer integral equation method is used to calculate the airfoil boundary layer, and iteratively calculate the potential flow. In weak shock condition, the iterative convergence solution is close to the experimental value.