4月9日,人们期待已久的新版《华尔街日报》终于闪亮登场。说它“亮”,是因为这张一向以黑白示人的美国报界大哥大终于也与时俱进,披上了一件彩色的“外套”。虽说那“外套”谈不上艳丽,但几抹精心点缀的淡淡的色彩,却恰到好处地使这张百年老报于庄重之中显出了几分典雅。 《华尔街日报》是美国少数几份全国性报纸之一,以刊登财政金融类消息见长,去年的平均期发量是180万份,位居美国各报之首。更为重要的是,这是一张所谓“成功人士”的报纸,其读者平均年龄为52岁,平均年收入超过15万美元,属
April 9, the long-awaited new version of the “Wall Street Journal” finally debuted. To say that it is “bright” is because the U.S. newspaper brother who has always shown black and white has finally kept pace with the times and put on a colorful “jacket.” Although the “coat” is far from beautiful, the touch of lightly accented with elaborate elaboration of the hundred-year-old newspaper just seems elegant. The Wall Street Journal, one of the few national newspapers in the United States, is well known for publishing financial and financial news. Last year’s average issue was 1.8 million copies, ranking the top of every newspaper in the United States. More importantly, this is a so-called “successful person” newspaper with an average age of 52 years and an average annual income of more than 150,000 U.S. dollars